How We Work

Grant Seekers

The Papitto Opportunity Connection (POC) provides scholarships and grants to organizations with unique and narrative changing programs that serve communities most in need in Rhode Island through new, innovative, creative and thoughtful efforts. We operate differently than many foundations, and we do so purposefully.

First, we actively engage with and listen to the people who would benefit most from the investments made by POC.  We regularly have conversations, small and large, across the Ocean State in the neighborhoods where our investments can make a difference. By listening and doing our homework, we are better able to work with non-profit community organizations, individuals and entrepreneurs who have game-changing ideas.

Second, we use a “Trust-based Philanthropy Approach” that is based on open, honest, and transparent communication. We collect data via our proprietary 501Database, and annually ask grantees to provide responses to reporting questions that focus on outcomes achieved as a result of funding.

Third, POC is a private family foundation that does not accept donations from any individual or organization under the Internal Revenue Service Code. That means we don’t raise funds to support our work.   All of our funds come from our founder.

When and How:

POC provides grant funding to Rhode Island-based organizations that are recognized 501 (C)(3) entities under the Internal Revenue Service code, and that hold a current certificate of good standing from the Rhode Island Secretary of State.  We do NOT allow the use of fiscal agents.



The Papitto Opportunity Connection annually awards approximately $6 million in unsolicited grants to non-profit organizations in Rhode Island through two different programs.

The POC Million Dollar Innovation Challenge supports programming that creates systemic change in the areas of education, skills training, entrepreneurship, healthcare or housing. Nonprofits are encouraged to collaborate on proposals to leverage resources and cultivate partnerships.

 Smaller grants support organizations with demonstrated needs of varying sizes.  Learn More.

Applications for both grants, which will be awarded in June and December through a competitive RFP process, will be accepted June 1-15 and December 1-15 via our online application portal. All organizations applying for a grant must submit an online application to be considered– this applies to first time grants, and those organizations seeking additional funding.

There is NO other mechanism for requesting a grant. Members of the Boards of Trustees and Boards of Advisors will NOT accept grant requests personally, and any such request will NOT be considered. You do not have to know someone to have your grant request considered.

When can my organization apply for another grant?

Often grantees ask us if they can submit a second proposal after receiving funding. In order to ensure that we are able to reach as many organizations as possible, we principally limit funding requests to once a year. For example, if you applied in December, then you may apply again in December of the following year. Each grant will be considered separately on its merits. POC will evaluate your program and how the funding was used and results measured.

Non-profit organizations should not anticipate long-term funding from POC but should view POC grants as “start-up” funds for new and unique initiatives. It is expected that non-profits will identify long term funds for these initiatives from other sources.

If you received a commitment for a multi-year grant, a second year of funding is not automatic, and will only be considered after we receive a report regarding your first year of activities. If you have a multi-year grant, POC will not consider another (i.e. a different or greater) grant until the multi-year grant is completed. All requests must be made through our web portal at the appropriate time. POC considers multi-year grants those in which an agreement defining the term of funding (typically 3-5 years) is made at the onset of funding.  Organizations that may receive more than one year of funding based on separate grant requests are NOT considered to have received a multi-year grant.

Applications for the RI Bar Foundation Scholarship, and for the Brown University Urban Education Fellowship, which are funded by POC, follow guidelines set by the RI Bar Foundation and Brown and each has a unique deadline. Information about each, including deadlines for applications can be found on line at and

Applications for the Transform RI Scholarship follow guidelines that can be found here. 

The Grant Proposal Process and What is Required

As an organization following the principles of trust-based philanthropy we believe strongly in making the process as easy and simple as possible for those seeking funding.  If you are seeking funding for an existing program, we want to know how you’ve done so far and whether your program has worked.  If this is a new program, we want to know how you believe you’ll be able to make an impact over the duration of your request.

We fund educational, job-skills, housing, healthcare and entrepreneurial programs that serve Rhode Island’s communities most in need.  There are several categories of activities that we do not fund under any circumstances:

– Building construction

– Capital campaigns

– Lobbying of government entities

– Political campaigns or events

Please use this application if you are a 501(C) (3) entity seeking a grant to support a program.


The POC Microloan Program

If you are a for-profit business, person or entity, POC has funded several microloan programs that are administered by community service organizations primarily working in Rhode Island’s urban core communities.  These programs are administered by the Rhode Island Black Business Association, Rhode Island Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and Center for Southeast Asians.  Each of these organizations has set its own lending limits and eligibility criteria.

As of May 2023, POC has modified its micro loan program to ensure that more funds are put directly into the community by POC’s community partners, and we have increased our funding to them, and to other partners POC may work with to make these loans available to eligible persons and businesses in need. Therefore, POC no longer makes its own direct microloans.


What Happens Once a Proposal is Funded?

Once a funding request has been approved, POC will enter into an agreement with the receiving organization or individual for the duration of the funding request. For requests larger than $350,000 per year the agreement will generally include agreed-upon anticipated performance metrics which will be reviewed as part of a reporting requirement and discussion with POC on at least an annual basis.  POC will provide funding by check, only, within 10 business days following execution of the agreement. POC does not publicize the specific amount of an individual grant or microloan (except for academic scholarships).  We believe it’s more important to talk about the impact of your program than it is about the amount of money you have received.  POC reports its funding amounts and recipients to the IRS as required by law.


Working Together

We want to hear from organizations that are committed to serving communities most in need in Rhode Island. We want to understand where and how we can help to make and support fundamental change. Relying on our trust-based philanthropy approach,  we will ask for sufficient information to help us to measure success. We want to have regular in-person or remote conversations to hear what you’re doing and confirm that things are going as planned, or if we need to work together to change course or alter direction. We will also send you a questionnaire near the anniversary of your receipt of funding from POC to ask you some questions about how you were able to make an impact in Rhode Island with POC funding. It’s all about trust, transparency, listening and conversation. Together.


POC Reporting Requirements

As a POC funded organization, no later than one year from the date of an award you will be required to provide us with an update on the impacts made as a result of this funding over the past year. We generally operate on a trust-based philanthropy model, and therefore our reporting requirements are designed to get an understanding of the successes and challenges your organization experienced. Specifically, we will want to know the following:

– Describe the major activities supported through this grant and to whom they were provided.

– What was the impact of this program, particularly as it relates to working with Rhode Island’s communities most in need?

– What went well? Did you encounter any challenges and if so, and how were they addressed?

– What did you learn about the participants, the community and/or the organization?

– Were there any goals and outcomes that were not achieved?

– Please provide the budget details for this grant and explain in narrative form any shifts or changes made from the original budget.


POC Services Provided to All Funded Organizations

Since POC was founded in December 2020 we have funded more than 300 organizations that are committed to serving communities most in need in Rhode Island. But to understand how that happens – from both a close-up view and from a big picture standpoint, collecting data is key.

POC offers a data collection platform – – that was custom-designed with in the input of POC funded non-profit organizations. While we strongly encourage POC-funded organizations to use the platform for impact data collection, its use is not mandatory. If your organization is comfortable using another software platform, you may continue to do so, but please advise us what platform you are using so that we can ensure compatibility.

501 also focuses on data privacy and security by filtering out personally identifiable and sensitive client information. The platform allows our grantees to easily tag and label data fields that you may deem to be sensitive or private.

Financial and Organizational Consulting

We recognize some organizations have more resources and capabilities than others, especially when it comes to financial planning, analysis, budgeting and organizational structure. Understanding how to demonstrate smart fiscal management, and operations, when applying for grants from POC or others, can be critical to success. To help, POC has engaged consultants to work with directly with our funded organizations in the areas of financial management and organizational process.

Public Relations & Marketing

For those organizations without access to professional public relations assistance, we also provide you with limited assistance from our PR firm, The Perry Group. Each funded organization can receive help with developing a one-page news release or participate in a 2-hour brainstorm session to identify ways you can improve your marketing program.

Organizational Strengths Identification

Identifying the individual strengths within your organization, can give you as a leader a valuable tool when building teams to accomplish your objectives. POC provides access to Leadership Rhode Island’s Strengths Identification Program, free of charge to all funded organizations.


Since POC’s founding, more than 300 organizations have received grants totaling more than $100 million. Each month POC receives dozens of requests to sponsor events, many from organizations that have already received grants from POC. While we wish we could continue to regularly support these events, it is not possible for us to do so fairly, as we continue to grow and support more organizational programming. Therefore, we will only be sponsoring events that POC self-identifies and that align with our community outreach program.