Junior Jabbie
President – CEO – Leader
About Junior
Junior Jabbie’s approach to life and business is best summed up in one of his favorite quotes: “We will relentlessly chase perfection, knowing all the while it is not attainable. But if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence.” – Vince Lombardi
Jabbie is the president and chief executive officer of Banneker Supply Chain Solutions, Inc. (formerly Banneker Industries), the largest Black-owned company in Rhode Island.
He arrived at Bryant University back in 2002. A two-sport athlete from Maryland who excelled in football and track, Jabbie was recruited to play football for the Bulldogs. Nearly 20 years later, the impact Jabbie has made off the field in Rhode Island far exceeds his accomplishments on the gridiron.
Jabbie’s decision one evening to skip dinner- not something a 260-pound hungry lineman often did – to attend a guest-speaker presentation proved to be life-changing
The speaker was Cheryl Watkins Snead, founder, CEO and president of Banneker Industries, a supply chain management company. Snead, an inspirational business leader and civil rights advocate, would soon become Jabbie’s boss, mentor and close friend.
Jabbie became Banneker’s first-ever intern and with the same dedication and work ethic he brought to the field, the Bryant University graduate (BA ‘06, MBA ‘07) quickly rose to the top of the multi-million-dollar company. Jabbie led multiple successful initiatives that directly impacted every aspect of Banneker’s operations.
In 2018, following the unexpected death of his mentor, Jabbie was named Banneker’s president and CEO. Jabbie immediately shaved off his signature dreadlocks, fulfilling a promise he had made to Snead, who asked him to get rid of the locks if he ever was promoted to president or got married.
Jabbie is dedicated to serving his communities and is on more than a half-dozen boards, including Delta Dental of Rhode Island, United Way of Rhode Island and the National Small Business Association’s Leadership Council. As a tribute to Snead, who lost her battle with heart disease, Jabbie also serves on the board of the American Heart Association Southern New England.
He continues to honor Snead’s legacy and mirrors her passion for helping others. Under Jabbie’s leadership The Banneker Foundation was established in 2019. The non-profit organization provides programs, resources and scholarships to the underprivileged.